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By Maxime MARTIN, 10/09/2000


MxMax : You are sixteen years old and you won the mx championship US, what is your secret ?

Travis Pastrana : I like to go out and have a good time and I feel I’m still young I’m sixteen years old so as long as I can go out and ride my best I’m happy with whatever I finish with and I feel that’s really helped me throughout the year.

nation_pastrana2.jpg (41551 octets)MxMax : Talk about freestyle…

T. P. : FREESTYLE it's all about going out with your friends it's not really like the X Games it's not really a competition for me. It's just something you do to be really innovative and creative. It's good and something to do for expression. It's not a competition so you can be friends with the guys who are your rivals but at the same time it's just having fun with your friends.

MxMax : What do you think about GP in Europe?

T. P. : European GP is crazy and it’s so fast, the tracks are as hard as a rock, you also get lots of rocks thrown at you. The nation is a little different with the 500cc but also with all the classes together.

« Freestyle isn't a competition for me. »

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As skilful in freestyle as in motocross, Travis is young and craves for victories.


MxMax : About the public ?

T. P. : It’s pretty cool I’ve had more airbornes and chainsaws (tronçonneuse) without the blades (lames) around here it’s pretty neat(cool) compared to the US. In the US there are big crowds but no one gets into it as much as over here, so this is cool.

MxMax : What is your programme for this winter ?

T. P. : My off-season is a lot more busy than my on-season. I have testing and three European races. I’m also doing a lot of filming for my new video.

MxMax : Now you are in the professionals what are the changes?

T. P. : The only difference is that there are more people. If I start 10th it’s harder to make my way through the pack and make it to the front. As an amateur the competitions were all at the same speed, and there were less people. So now it is a lot harder to win the races and therefore it is also harder to win the whole series. It is not one race in which the winner takes all, you’ve got to be consistent and win race after race.

MxMax : Thank you Travis and good luck for your next races.




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